The University of Siena with Life MUSCLES at Maker Faire Rome
Life MUSCLES will be with the University of Siena at “Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition” (https://makerfairerome.eu), the event promoted and organized by Chamber of Commerce of Rome, which returns for its XI edition from 20 to 22 October, in the spaces of the Rome Fair.
L'Circular Innovation to protect the sea will be available to visitors at STAND E15 of pavilion 6. An important opportunity to develop relationships and to disseminate project actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact caused by the dispersion into the sea of polypropylene (PP) socks used for mussel farming.
With 7 pavilions for about 100 thousand square meters of extension and beyond 600 attractions to discover, Maker Faire Rome confirms itself as the fair where the digital revolution takes shape and the future is anticipated, the place in the limelight dedicated to families, children and all innovation enthusiasts, but also the format consolidated for companies and professional innovators who use digital culture as a means to face new market challenges.