The networking business is essential for enhancing the exchange of information and experiences on the themes that Life Mucles have in common with others Life and non-Life projects, with bodies, associations and research institutes dealing with issues relating to plastic pollution, recycling, the circular economy and innovative production and purchasing chains. The exchange of experiences on the theme of plastics and microplastics, in particular on the strategies implemented by the project to reduce their impact on the seas and on the productive sectors involved. Sharing content, promoting best practices and disseminating results will be essential for the building a solid and accredited network compared to research on microplastics in lake basins.

Life Blue lakes
The project LIFE Blue Lakes intends to address the problem of microplastics in lakes through a series of governance, training, information and awareness actions aimed at institutions, stakeholders and citizens.
The main project actions will be carried out in the lakes of Garda, Bracciano And Trasimeno in Italy and in those of Constance And Chiemsee in Germany. Other Italian and European lake communities will be involved in actions to promote and disseminate good practices.

It is a project financed under the ENI CBC MED programme, for a European co-financing of 2 million euros. The COMMON project intends to apply i ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) principles to marine waste management, improving the environmental performance of 5 pilot coastal areas in Italy (2), Tunisia (2) and Lebanon (1), testing a model that can be transferred throughout the Mediterranean area. The project, whose goal is to combat the marine litter phenomenon, provides, in the 5 selected areas, an effective involvement and coordination of all stakeholders - from local and regional authorities to MPAs, from turtle recovery centers to citizens - through specific training and capacity building activities, an awareness campaign and targeted networking activities.
Through the creation of an IT platform, COMMON has made it possible to exchange and visualize the data collected by the scientific and civil community during the awareness and monitoring campaigns foreseen by the project.

The AdriCleanFish project, funded by Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) in the context of program OP EMFF 2014/2020 (measure 1.40) and led byUniversity of Siena (lead partner) and theCa' Foscari University of Venice, aims to delve into the problem of marine litter in the Adriatic Sea it's theirs impact on the fishing production chain intervening through actions of sensitization and of involvement of fishermen.
Indeed, the fishing sector can contribute significantly to the mitigation of the problem both in terms of prevention, through the correct disposal of obsolete fishing gear, and in terms of their reduction, thanks to their participation in garbage collection from the bottom (Fishing for Litter), also allowing the acquisition over time of data useful for monitoring the problem.

Clean Sea LIFE
The project aims to increase public attention on quantity of waste present in the sea and on the beaches, show how we are responsible for it and promote active and constant commitment to the environment. Among the project activities, in addition to raising awareness, there is the creation of a map which highlights the areas where the accumulation of waste poses a risk to biodiversity; the identification of good practices for the prevention and management of marine litter that will have to be applied at a local level and disseminated at a national and international level.
LIFE15 GIE/IT/000999 Duration 30-SEP-2016 to 31-OCT -2020

Decades of overfishing have dramatically damaged the Mediterranean fisheries sector. Catches are now declining, negatively impacting revenues and jobs. As a result, the attractiveness of fishing for young people is declining sharply. Yet, fisheries is still a key economic sector in the Mediterranean with a high – albeit underexploited – commercial potential that includes diversification and integration with other sectors such as fishing tourism, marine environmental services, fish stocks and innovation in the food chain.
Unfortunately, the industry remains too fragmented, SMEs are not interconnected enough and public authorities are not proving capable of providing the necessary environment. FISH MED NET addresses these lasting disadvantages. The project will train fisheries MSMEs to increase their potential for diversification and integration and to foster the development of new products and services. New business alliances will bridge the integration gap between SMEs promoting common business models and marketing activities. Finally, the project will build the capacity of public authorities to encourage one Sustainable Development and successful fishing industry.
It is a European LIFE project which aims to reduce the environmental impact (CO emissions2 and water consumption) connected to our eating habits, through the adoption by European citizens of a healthy and sustainable diet.
LIFE16 GIC/IT/000038

The project will feed 5 new technologies to innovate the ways we clean our seas and oceans.
Data modeling will produce maps of macro- and micro-waste concentrations, while ecosystem services approaches will identify areas where the intervention has the greatest potential for safe impact on human well-being.
H2020 774586

The Plastic Busters CAP project, funded by the European ENI CBC MED programme, supports policy makers and other stakeholders in effectively tackling marine litter: Specific objectives are: increased knowledge and understanding of the marine litter threat by stakeholders; (strengthening the capacity of public institutions to deal with the entire life cycle of the marine litter from monitoring and evaluation to prevention and mitigation; strengthening local planning of coastal areas. Legambiente is a partner in the project and has a decisive role in raising awareness of local communities on the role they can play in addressing the marine litter threat.