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The wallpaper produced from the recycling of mussel breeding nets

Adriatica Collection on Seaweave, the wallpaper made with a TNT (non-woven fabric) support recycled from the PP (polypropylene) nets used in mussel farming.

The waste deriving from abandoned, lost or voluntarily thrown away fishing gear is also called "ghost gear" or ALDFG (Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear) and is capable of killing millions of animals every year, favoring their extinction . With the aim of developing a product capable of giving value to what has always been considered an unusable waste, the printed wallpaper was born, intended for internal and external environments which becomes a warning of hope towards the sea.

Indeed, over the years, plastic pollution in the oceans has been an under-recognized component of global pollution. This immense expanse of blue water has been treated like a gigantic landfill, but among all the plastic dumped into the oceans, the most dangerous and deadly category of the others, for marine living beings and for humans, is precisely that of fishing gear .




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