Sampling of microplastics in water at the pilot area of La Spezia
Action B.5.1: Sampling of microplastics on the surface and in the water column
Monitoring on the beach and in the water at the pilot area of the Gargano
Actions C.1, B.5.1 and B.5.2: Monitoring of socks for mussel farming, sampling of microplastics in water and sampling of mussels for ecotoxicological analysis
The first LIFE Muscles reports are available online
Fundamental data to proceed with the design actions.
Christmas seminars at the Chemistry Department of the Sapienza University of Rome
Nearly 400 students discovering LIFE Muscles
LIFE Muscles Executive Committee meeting
Comparison appointment between partners to monitor the progress of the project
Sealogy from 16 to 18 November in Ferrara
Great exhibition appointment on the universe of the sea and its resources
IX SIRAM National Conference, 11-12 November 2022 in Trieste
Research and activities on sustainable shellfish farming for health and the environment
Olioliva in Imperia: let's taste oil and muscles!
Tastings and information moments
LIFE Muscles at the European Researchers' Night
UniSiena: dissemination of the project