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The Life Program

  /  The Life Program

With the LIFE program the European Union contributes to the implementation, updating and development of EU policy and legislation on the environment and climate, through the co-financing of innovative projects that demonstrate the effectiveness of new techniques and methodologies in the field environmental.

The LIFE Program is divided into two sub-programmes Environment And Climate Action:

The Environment sub-programme comprises the three priority areas Environment and Resource Efficiency, Nature and Biodiversity and Environmental Governance and Information, each of which comprises various thematic priorities.

The Climate Action sub-programme comprises the three priority areas Climate change mitigation, Climate change adaptation and Climate governance and information.

The financial envelope for the implementation of the program in period 2021-2027 is 5,450,000,000 EUR at current prices.

In addition to the "traditional" projects described above, the LIFE Program also finances the so-called "integrated" projects, ie which combine LIFE funding with other sources of funding, in order to maximize their impact on large geographical areas. LIFE Program projects can also provide technical assistance, strengthen the development of capacity building and carry out preparatory activities for the development of European environmental legislation. The LIFE tool also supports the initiative of the European solidarity corps, providing opportunities for young people to get involved in activities of environmental and social utility. Since its inception in 1992, around four thousand projects have been co-financed throughout the European Union, with a contribution of around 3.1 billion euros to environmental protection.

Life MUSCLES is one of the traditional projects of Environment and efficient use of resources and on a total budget of 3,047,246 euros, the contribution of the European Commission is 1,690,830 euros.

The Commission proposes policies and legislation to protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean, ensure proper waste disposal, improve knowledge on the toxicity of chemicals and help companies move towards a sustainable economy.

It also oversees the correct application of European environmental legislation by the Member States, helping them to comply with the rules they have agreed to and following up on complaints from citizens and non-governmental organisations.

Projects to protect nature and biodiversity aim to improve the protection of endangered species and habitats. Their aim is to contribute to the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and to the establishment of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. These are pilot projects pursuing the EU's goal of halting biodiversity loss.

At the end of 2012 the program LIFE extension it had co-financed over a thousand projects to protect nature and biodiversity, directly disbursing more than 1.5 billion euros since 1992 and mobilizing around 2.7 billion euros.


Brown bears, monk seals and wolves are among the species that have benefited the most from LIFE projects. More than 400 – more than a third – of the endangered species listed in the Birds and Habitats Directives have been the subject of at least one LIFE project.

LIFE Program funds have also financed over 1 000 management plans within the Natura 2000 network. This is an important step in the fight against biodiversity loss. Other projects have created ecological corridors and urban habitats for wildlife, introduced climate change adaptation measures, supported ecosystem services and raised business awareness of the importance of biodiversity. More than 100 LIFE projects have contributed to tackling the problem of invasive alien species, focusing in particular on species such as the American mink, Japanese knotweed and several types of non-indigenous shrimp.


The LIFE Program is open to public and private bodies registered in the EU.

More information on the latest call for proposals can be found on the LIFE website


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