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  /  Action D.2   /  Let's clean the beach you love together! In Fiumaretta with the Legambiente La Spezia club

Let's clean the beach you love together! In Fiumaretta with the Legambiente La Spezia club



The objective, like every year, is to clean up waste from hundreds of beaches, river banks and lakes, involving hundreds of volunteers. Every daily choice you make is important and can make a difference, join us!

On June 1st at the mouth of the Magra River in Fiumaretta (Ameglia) the following were collected:

Undifferentiated 1,950 kg
Plastic 8,100 kg
Bulky hard plastic 1,035 kg.

In addition to the loot, every similar opportunity is important for creating a network, especially with commercial operators who care about the territory in which they operate.





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