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World Biodiversity Day. Legambiente's point with the data from its latest report


Plastic in the sea and microplastics represent a danger to biodiversity. A new disease typical of marine avifauna is "plasticosis”, a fibrosis in the gastrointestinal tract, induced by the continuous and abundant ingestion of plastic, which causes lesions and thickening of the tissues with serious effects on the growth, digestion and survival of animals. In line with the objective of limiting and preventing the damage of plastics to the marine ecosystem, from the LIFE MUSCLES channels we relaunch the appeal of Legambiente, which today returns to ask for greater protection of biodiversity, starting from avifauna and amphibians, precious thermometers of the state of health of the sea and wetlands, the establishment of more protected areas and more interventions in Italy and Europe.

“Italy is under infringement proceedings for failing to implement the measures envisaged by the “Birds”, “Habitats” and “Marine Environment” Directives. A change of course is needed to better protect biodiversity and stop accidental captures of sensitive species. The objectives of the European Green Deal and the Biodiversity Strategy will be confirmed in the next European legislature"

Themes that the association highlights through a special within his report Biodiversity at risk 2024.


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