Life MUSCLES and scientific environmentalism at SYNC, The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability.
From 20 to 23 June the Life MUSCLES project at Sapienza University of Rome host of SYNK, The First Symposium for Young Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability.
The international conference is organized by the Department of Chemistry to promote ever greater collaboration between research groups and provide young people with ideas and tools for building new projects.
For Legambiente Onlus intervened:
- President Stephen Ciafani which focused on the important role that associations play both in monitoring the state of the environment and in defining the criteria for planning new national environmental legislation;
– the head of the scientific office of the association, Andrea Minutolo who spoke of the relationship between the environment and productive activities;
– Elisa Scocchera, scientific referent of our project together with Loris Pietrelli, which has deepened the description focusing the intervention on the actions that will involve us in the recycling of socks for mussel farming.