Beach litter monitoring. Also in Torre Mileto, Foggia, collection and monitoring of nets for mussel farming
The Beach litter Monitoring which took place on May 29 in the enchanting setting of Torre Mileto received a great deal of support from both the citizens and the local administration. Many associations have also joined the awareness day thanks to the involvement work carried out by the Circolo Legambiente IRIDE of San Nicandro. The survey carried out by the numerous volunteers has brought to light the impressive quantity of nets for mussels which get stranded on the coast due both to the nearby farms but also to the currents: in just over 2 hours more than 500 have been collected despite previous days there had been other cleaning activities on the coast. As pointed out by the Mayor, this is a real environmental emergency. The position of the Gargano promontory and the sea currents make the area a natural deposit loop.
“It is essential that there is a commitment on the part of everyone to change habits and the approach to the problem. This wonderful territory - declared Daniela Salzedo, director of Legambiente Puglia and Nazario Bizzarri, president of the club of San Nicandro Garganico - has already endured the havoc of illegal activity and the time has come for each of us to commit ourselves to what is due to us. The Life Muscles project truly represents the possibility to change our future”.